let's kick off five for friday with a "thyme lord" which is david tennant done in thyme (and at groc's request)

and hey, it's "al gorax"! (al gore made from borax. and, no, i don't find him boring which is why he's not "al borax".)

next up, "cat nip power" (cat power made from cat nip.) although, to be honest, i'm still not happy with this one. i'm tired of working with cat nip though.

"teriyakiki" (kiki from "kiki's delivery service" made from teriyaki sauce.)

and finally, the new fugitive for the day, "glue mcclanahan". (rue mcclanahan made from wood glue)

one more golden girl and i'll have a set!
some people (esp headspy jessie) have been asking how large the fugitives are. i'll respond with a photo.

and a bit of explanation. most of them are less than 8.5" x 11" (21.6 cm x 27.9 cm). tiny! they're small because i work out of my apartment (that's both my messy kitchen and pumpkin seeds in the photo) but *hopefully* i'll be able to start larger pieces next month!
They're all lovely. Though I'm especially excited to see the Dr. Who piece, since I'm a big fan!
Nice to get a glimpse into your working environment as well.
I look forward to seeing what happens when you start to work larger.
I enjoy seeing what different artists' workspaces look like. Cute touch with your toes in the photo. ;)
thanks, alr! you and bf leff would get along swimmingly! he's a *huge* dr who fan. (i made him cybermanicotti for his last bday.)
the work space is only temporary. i have a large closet that i'm converting into a studio with a folding desk. if only i would get my butt in gear and install the desk and buy a lamp. sigh.....i irritate myself so much sometimes. ;D
How about if I pester you every few months about the desk and lamp? Would you ban me from your blog? ;D
i wouldn't ban you but you have to understand that i don't drive so the lamp is going to take a while.
I hear ya...I try not to drive unless I absolutely have to. Driving is so stressful for me.
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