Wednesday, April 2, 2008

suspect and fugitive will be back tomorrow

my nasty spring cold plus the added inconvenience of moving this weekend have officially kicked my butt and i need to recuperate. i'll be back tomorrow with two entries. thanks for your patience!


Lara said...

We moved last weekend. So much work! It feels like it will never be done.

I really enjoy this blog. Thanks.

r4kk4 said...

yeah, i hate moving too. this one might not've been so bad if i hadn't caught a cold in the middle of it though. :(

thanks, btw!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better today (Thursday)! Wonder if it's contagious through the web because I'm feeling like I'm coming down with it. ;)

r4kk4 said...

thanks so much!

i'm getting there. if i didn't have to deal with this stupid move, i'd be healthy again by now.