Sunday, November 23, 2008

one way to kill a twinkie-- twinkeith richards

cakespy jessie is working on a top secret mission. since she has yet to divulge her plans, i can only tell you that i was assigned one way to kill a twinkie. i did that by making a twinkeith richards.

keith richards made from twinkie cream.

here's keith with the confection that has almost as long of a shelf life as he does.

i'll give you an updated cakespy link once the records have been released. until then, enjoy a related post: basalmick jagger.


Cakespy said...

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

You're everything I would like to be.

I can fly higher than an eagle...

But you are the wind beneath my Twinkie-killin' wings.

r4kk4 said...

how do you kill twinkies with wings? i'm sure that would cause quite a flap! *ba doom ching!* thank you cleveland, i'm here all week!