michael phelps made from spike.
i love olympic swimming events so i've really enjoyed michael phelp's stupendous performance at the water cube.
although, i have to admit, i am finding it pretty funny that nbc only films phelps above the waist. (you have to scroll a bit but it's worth it.)
that guy's a frakking toaster.
i'm not sure what you mean by "toaster". are you speaking canadian slang again? do i need to call some of my canuck crew to translate? ;D
striatic's right and you need a BSG geek to translate.
do you watch the show enough to translate? (i, uh, actually don't have much to do with scifi. that's the bf's thing.)
On the show, a toaster is slang for a Cylon Centurion i.e. a robot.
thanks, vanlal! :D!
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